WINCLEX Crew members are experienced in Flare Stack Refreshment Projects carried out via Rope Access. We have a Specialized Crew for greasing and tensioning Guy Wires. Experienced Rope Access Welders for Structural replacement.
Services We Offered
- Flare Stack Refurbishment:
- Replacement of Conduit Pipes and Cables, Supports, Ladders, and Gratings.
- Rope Access Rescue Team.
- Blast Cleaning:
- Replacement of Guy Wires and Re greasing.
- Full Painting of the Flare Stacks.
- Storage Tanks : Inspection, Repair and Painting.
- Coating, Painting and Insulation Application.
- Conventional NDT Inspection.
- ACFM Inspection.
- Coating Condition Survey.
- Jetty painting refurbishment.
- Fall Protection Netting Installation.
- UHPWJ Water Jet Cleaning.
- Dry Abrasive Blasting.
- Wet Abrasive Blasting